Friday, March 6, 2015

Look Mom...No Eyelashes!

I remember a time two years ago, when Lauren was 10 years old. It was March 2013.

I was just putting Lauren to bed. It had been a good day. Lauren had just recovered from 3 days of fever caused by a throat infection. Her fever was finally down and she had a fun day at home - watching tv, doing some paces (school revisions) and playing with her dolls. 

After bedtime prayers, she closes her eyes for me to kiss her on her cheek. 

It is then I notice...her eyelashes looked...CROOKED!

She had cut them!!! 

I freak out. 

She freaks out because I am freaked out. 

After loads of scolding (read: loud voices from an almost hysterical mother) and crying, Lauren promises not to do it, again, ever! 

She worries that she won't look pretty anymore. And more importantly, she also knows that she could have really hurt her eyes. 

Her Father and I tell her that they will most likely grow back, but it will take time. Apparently over 3 months, according to google. 

Sigh, Lauren's eyelashes were the prettiest. Long...with curls.

Four days later, I ask her what she was thinking when she decided to cut them? 

You know what she said? 

"I was trying to be Rapunzel. She cut her long hair. But Rapunzel said, "Don't worry. I shall continue to be strong in my spirit!"

Lauren goes on, "Mom, I'll be strong in my spirit too, even with my cut eyelashes!".

Be Strong, in Spirit.

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