Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Ang Moh Char Boh and Ah Pek

Almost everyday, I am reminded that Lauren and Luke are so different in the way they speak.

One learns from books, movies and TV shows and therefore speaks in a totally American accent with proper English. That's Lauren.

Luke, her brother, on the other hand picks up on the English peppered with everyday local nuances from Malaysia and Singapore. Let me show you what I mean.

One day, Lauren sees me scratching my finger. 

She says, 'Mom, why are you scratching your epidermis?" Wow, where did you learn that word? 'In Science class. It means your skin'. 

Nice job, Lauren! 

So, Ang Moh! ie. very English!

Lady Lauren

Next day, I am walking Luke home from Chinese tuition while we were still in Singapore. 

And he says, 'Mom, you know, you can also call "ciau-ciau" with another word!'. 
Ciau ciau is the Hokkien word for penis.

Curious, I ask him, 'OK....what other word can you call it?', not really knowing what to expect. 

"You can also call it...cock! Yah, you can call it 'cock'! Cool right Mom?'. 

Cool? I'm not so sure. Ah Pek...for sure.

Luke in his typical Ah Pek sitting stance

I wonder what will become of Luke's English now that he is in Australia...:-P

For those who are not from Malaysia or Singapore, an Ang Moh refers to a Westerner. Char Boh means girl. So Ang Moh Char Boh means Western Girl. And an Ah Pek refers to a local China-Man. 


  1. You write beautifully, dear <3

  2. Awww....sweet! Thanks for the encouragement:-)

  3. Haha! Love the two contrasting pix! And yes, story well told!
