Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thinking Outside The Box

Lauren with Fadia, her sitting partner in Primary 3.
Decked in National Costumes for National Day Celebrations.

We were driving home.

I asked Lauren about her day.

I got the usual reply, "Good!".

So I started asking more specific questions.

I found out it was her sitting partner's birthday today. And that they had cake at recess. Ok...

I asked more... And she told me the kids were playing "Old Maid" in class. But they didn't ask her to join in.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I wrote my story Mom".

You didn't watch them play?

"I did!".


I was confused, so I asked

"Did you watch them play or did you write your story?"


I could sense Lauren thinking her answer.

She finally said "I wrote my story AND I watched them play."

If you know Lauren, you will know that she always answers within the given parameters. This is the first time she has answered beyond the given set of choices. (Lauren was 9 years old, and it was November 2011).


Be Grateful for Every Little Success.

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