Monday, March 2, 2015

No In-Betweens for An Aspie

The ASC brain is an on-off switch when it comes to emotions.

I am either happy or sad.

I am either very angry or not angry at all.

There are no in-betweens.

So how do we get them to try and recognize the “I am going to get angry” feeling?

Using a feelings temperature check and defining the different tangible changes their body feels can be one way.

For example, heart beats faster.

They start sweating.

Fists start clenching.

Feelings Thermometer: Helping ASCs Identify Emotional Signs
Once they start recognizing these signs, then they can use strategies to calm down.

Strategies that help them move their behaviour from primal instinct (fight or flight) to rational thought and rational behaviour.

Two strategies for Lauren, to help her calm down:

1. Count 1-100…backwards in multiples of two or four or six
Dr Johann advised that the more she has to use her brain to process something, the faster she can move from her primal instinct of explosive anger. This helps her use more of her pre-frontal cortex.

2. Breathing exercise
Breathe in, hold for 3 seconds. Then breathe out. Do this until she feels less upset.

Breathing Technique to Relax

Breathe In...Breathe Out...Breathe In...Breathe Out...Breathe In...Breathe Out...Feel Better?

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