Sunday, February 15, 2015

This Video Inspired Me to Persevere in Helping My Child with Autism

There are good days and bad days.

Some days, I watch the progress Lauren has made in her journey from the time she was just echoing and not conversing, to today where she can go into a long long conversation on a topic of her preference.

Then there are days where the smallest things (to us) happens like getting hit by a handball, and causing Lauren has a complete meltdown and explodes at her friends and everyone else around here in school. Books are thrown to the ground, pens are broken.

And I wonder, will things get better? Then my husband finds this video and again, God speaks and we are inspired, motivated to pursue progress because kids, teens, adults with autism can improve and learn.

I hope the story of Carly Fleischmann inspires you like it did for Kevin and I.
 The Inspiration of Carly Fleischmann to Autism

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