Friday, February 27, 2015

How to have a conversation - Step by Step Guide for an ASC Child

Dr Johann has been guiding Lauren on how to have a good conversation with her friends.

Here are the steps we have recorded and are practising with Lauren on:

1. Help Lauren to paraphrase conversation points and end with "that's really cool!".

For example,..."so you like to play tennis and watch movies. That's really cool!".

2. Give compliments
Lauren learns to give compliments (appropriate ones, of course) to help make her friends comfortable and feel good.

For example,..."Hey Lanni, you look really pretty with those new ear-rings".

3. Finish conversations properly.
Lauren tends to leave her conversations hanging. Either her friends have not finished talking or she is done asking and then she just waltzes away!

So now she is to say..."Nice talking to you. See you later. Bye".

Reminders to continue practising:
Use comic strips to visually explain what other people are thinking of a certain behaviour of Lauren's.

Keep rehearsing and practising new social skills.

Use tv (since she loves watching TV) as a good reference for appropriate Model Me behaviours.

Remind Lauren to greet and give a warm smile, before jumping into a conversation. Say bye without her awkward, mini wave.

More updates again soon.

Teaching social skills is important in helping
Lauren navigate our complex social world

Practise. Practise. Practise because Practise Makes Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this sounds like 'Verbal Skills' in my Interpersonal Communication Book which I had to study in uni days! See, we all had to learn as well!
